

Welcome to www.jackbowtell.com, the new and improved home of Jack Bowtell, operatic baritone and singing teacher.

I realised towards the end of last year, that it has been six years since I first launched my website and although it had served it’s purpose well - I thought it was high time for an update.

One improvement I have been very excited to share with you has been my fantastic new photographs, courtesy of my good friend Ray Morgan. Like so many other singers, having my promo photos taken is a cause of great anxiety - however, a lot of laughs were had during our photoshoot together and the results speak for themselves.

You may also notice that I have added some more recent recordings, featuring the wonderful Nicki Rose, and recorded in the Corus Recital Room at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama.

Finally, I have taken this opportunity to overhaul my teaching page, with more up-to-date information regarding events and a handy ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section for new visitors. Also, in the coming months, I hope to add a Student Portal to the site to allow existing students to access teaching resources and event announcements with ease.

In the meantime, take a look around and enjoy!